Learning is a complex process. It can however be defined as a change in behaviour brought by a particular experience. Learning can occur as a result of newly received skill, knowledge, facts, and new information.( Adeyanju,1997). Learning can be reinforced with learning aids of different variety because they stimulate and motivate the learner's attention for a while during the instructional process.
Teaching aids are instructional materials and devices through which teaching and learning are done in schools. Examples of learning aids include visual aids, audio-visual aids, real objects and many others. The visual aids are designed materials that may be locally made or commercially produced. They come in form of flash –cards, illustrated pictures, materials and other two dimensional objects. There are also audio-visual aids. These are teaching machines like radio, television, and some with sound attributes. With this teaching aids, teachers can organizes methods of teachings around the aims and objectives he/she intends to achieve. In order to attain the objectives, instructional materials are perceived as very important in the teaching.
The various researchers found that teachers who are using some form of materials to teach their lessons with planed lesson flow easily tackle their students. This is because the learning aids help students to become more attentive. In addition, students positive attitude generate more interest for the lesson they teach. As a result, students participate better in class activity.
In teaching Volume of liquid for year two learners, teachers have to be extra careful. This is because in this age students face a lot of misconceptions in measuring volume. Tall of an object makes different in their view. So, for low learners the teaching aids selected should be related to their daily life. The aids I have choose was the common thing which can be found at their home. And so do to the high achievers.
Teachers whether with training or without training use of learning aids in teaching as advantageous to the teacher and to the students. Their use reduces the talk and chalk method of teaching. So, with proper planed teaching and learning activities and teaching aids a teacher can easily overcome the misconception faced by student in measuring the volume.
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