Teaching Aids 1 |
Teaching Aids 2 |
Flash Card 1 |
Flash Card 2 |
Flash Card 3 |
Flash Card 4 |
Flash Card 5 |
Teaching Aids For Low Achievers.
In this coursework, I have choose manipulatives and some visual items as the teaching aids. Besides manipulatives, this flash cards can concrete the pupils understanding in measuring the volume of liquid. The low achievers can easily identify the non-standard units of liquid volume. Teaching aids 1 and teaching aids 2 are manipulaties which students can find in their daily life. These things can be found at their home. This is a familiar items. Easy to handle and quid interesting too. Non-standard units to measure volume can be easily conduct with this manipulatives. Pupils will love it. I have tried this at my teaching. Pupils not bored and took part in teaching actively.
The flash card can be use, after our teaching. It can concrete pupils understanding on the particular topic. This to enrich pupils understanding. This cards comes in attractive colour. This can glue pupil attention towards it. This cards quid attractive to.
The most important thing was, Pupils can easily handle this teaching aids and related to the created teaching activities.
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